Trigger: Click on the pesky branch, select Other, and type 'push'. Payoff: When you ring Annette's doorbell to give her the policy, you will see what she's doing with all that money she just inherited. Trigger: Before you give Annette the insurance policy, click on the crotch of the third statue on the left side of the hallway outside the Boning cabin.
No, the Larry eggs are pretty much exactly what you'd expect: nekkid wimmen. Those have all been done by other programs across the history of computer gaming. Nope, the Larry eggs are no list of programmer birthdays, no proposal to an animator's girlfriend, no chorus line of dancing knights, no loud belches, no egotistic declaration of development superiority. Leisure Suit Larry: Love For Sail! is no exception in the Easter egg department, except for the fact that virtually the entire art staff was in on the joke, and the eggs are considerably more extensive than you'll find in most other games. 'What's an Easter egg', you ask? It's an old computer gaming tradition! Whenever a game is created, the programmers tend to put a few things in which are not normally accessable (without exact knowledge of how to trigger them), so that they can impress their friends after the game is released.
a little bit 'more' of the women in the latest Larry game, we're providing a list of the game's 7 Easter eggs.